Network3 Achieves 360,000 Nodes and Secures $5.5 Million in Funding

星期二, 十月 22, 2024 12:00 凌晨
Network3 Achieves 360,000 Nodes and Secures $5.5 Million in Funding cover

According to recent data from DePINscan, the AI Layer2 project Network3 has achieved a remarkable milestone, reaching a global node count of 360,000. These nodes are strategically distributed across 185 countries and regions, including key areas such as Europe, North America, and Southeast Asia. This expansion highlights the growing adoption and interest in the Network3 platform, which is designed to enhance the efficiency and scalability of blockchain applications.

In addition to its impressive node growth, Network3 has experienced a surge in miner sales, indicating strong demand for its services. Starting from November 1, the project will undergo an expansion upgrade, which is expected to further accelerate the payback period for miners. This upgrade is anticipated to enhance the overall performance of the network, making it more attractive for current and potential users.

Furthermore, Network3 has successfully secured $5.5 million in pre-seed and seed round financing, with plans for the next round already in motion. Several leading institutions have confirmed their participation, signaling confidence in the project’s future. The official listing process for Network3 has also commenced, marking a significant step forward for the project. However, ChainCatcher advises readers to approach blockchain investments with caution, emphasizing the importance of risk awareness amid the various virtual token issuances and market speculations.

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