
星期二, 十月 22, 2024 12:00 凌晨
Auki推出去中心化机器感知网络Posemesh cover


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Acurast与Aleph Zero整合提升去中心化计算能力 cover
21 小时前
Acurast与Aleph Zero整合提升去中心化计算能力
Acurast成功与Aleph Zero整合,使Aleph Zero生态系统内的开发者能够访问Acurast的去中心化计算资源,并以AZERO获得奖励。这一合作显著提升了开发者的可扩展性、隐私性和成本效益,使其能够直接利用Acurast提供的强大计算能力。通过Acurast的移动云,开发者可以更快速、安全且以更低成本部署应用程序。这一整合与Aleph Zero的隐私优先架构完美契合,确保去中心化应用程序的数据安全。Acurast联合创始人Alessandro De Carli和Aleph Zero生态系统技术负责人Piotr Moczurad均对此次合作表示赞赏,强调其将减少对中心化云服务的依赖,促进去中心化和隐私的优势。Aleph Zero以其隐私优先的区块链解决方案而闻名,Acurast则将旧手机转变为去中心化云计算平台,二者的结合有望革新去中心化计算和应用开发领域。
Theta Labs Partners with Hankuk University to Advance AI Research cover
21 小时前
Theta Labs Partners with Hankuk University to Advance AI Research
Theta Labs has announced a significant partnership with Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS), marking the latter as the newest customer of its EdgeCloud AI platform. This collaboration comes on the heels of Theta's growing influence in the academic sector in South Korea, where institutions such as Korea University, Seoul Women’s University, KAIST, and Yonsei University have already integrated Theta's infrastructure to enhance their AI research capabilities. The partnership will enable LAB HAI at HUFS, under the leadership of Professor Ikbeom Jang, to utilize Theta's scalable EdgeCloud platform for various advanced projects, including LLM-based multimodal data training and biomedical data compression. Professor Ikbeom Jang, who oversees the computer cluster at HUFS, expressed enthusiasm about the partnership, highlighting the potential of Theta EdgeCloud to significantly boost their multimodal medical AI research. The use of high-performance NVIDIA H100 GPUs will facilitate a wide range of AI applications in healthcare, thereby enhancing Korea's competitiveness in AI technology. Professor Jang's expertise in artificial intelligence and deep learning, along with his previous experience at Harvard Medical School, positions him and his team to make substantial contributions to the field, as evidenced by their recent publications and research grants. This multi-year agreement underscores Theta Labs' commitment to supporting AI research by providing decentralized GPU resources to esteemed institutions like HUFS. With over 33,000 students, HUFS is poised to leverage Theta’s advanced technology to drive innovation in healthcare AI, particularly in areas such as medical imaging and disease prediction. Mitch Liu, co-founder and CEO of Theta Labs, emphasized that this partnership is a pivotal step in expanding the application of decentralized computing in academia, positioning Theta as a leader in AI computing solutions in the region.
Bittensor (TAO) 在市场整合中展现看涨潜力 cover
21 小时前
Bittensor (TAO) 在市场整合中展现看涨潜力
Bittensor (TAO) 最近引起了交易者和投资者的关注,本月上涨了20%。尽管过去一周下跌了10%,但其长期前景依然看涨。TAO成功突破了反向头肩形态,超过600美元后进入整合阶段。交易者密切关注500美元区域,若从该水平反弹,可能会进一步上涨。近期价格波动被错误解读为看跌趋势,导致大量空头头寸,但随着TAO价格回升至560美元,空头可能被迫平仓。分析师认为,TAO在500美元区间的回调是短期买入机会,预计到2025年价格目标可达800美元。尽管长期前景乐观,但MACD显示出一些疲软,若失去支持,可能再次跌破500美元。Bittensor在AI和大数据项目中排名靠前,未来几个月可能会有进一步上涨,值得关注。
Introducing PowerPod: The Future of EV Charging cover
21 小时前
Introducing PowerPod: The Future of EV Charging
As electric vehicles (EVs) gain traction in the automotive market, the necessity for a robust charging infrastructure has become increasingly apparent. Many EV drivers encounter significant challenges, such as locating functional chargers, navigating outdated information, and enduring long wait times. These obstacles not only frustrate drivers but also pose a threat to the widespread adoption of green transportation solutions. Addressing these issues is crucial, and our innovative approach aims to streamline the EV charging experience through a community-focused platform. Introducing the PowerPod Telegram mini app, a transformative tool designed to revolutionize how EV drivers find and utilize charging stations. With this app, users can easily check in at nearby charging locations, receive real-time updates on charger availability, and identify operational stations. This eliminates the frustration of arriving at broken chargers or waiting in long lines. The app fosters a community-driven environment where users can share vital information regarding wait times, charger conditions, and personal experiences, creating a supportive network of EV drivers that enhances the overall charging experience. As the popularity of EVs continues to surge, improving the charging experience is essential for motivating more individuals to transition to green transportation. PowerPod is committed to enhancing this experience by providing drivers with the necessary tools to locate reliable chargers and stay informed. By empowering users to make smarter decisions on their journeys, we are contributing to a sustainable future, one charge at a time. Stay tuned for the launch of our app and join the PowerPod community to earn rewards for checking in at stations along your travels.
Ambient在洛杉矶部署基于区块链的空气质量传感器 cover
21 小时前
Ambient公司在洛杉矶的日本村广场成功部署了基于区块链的空气质量监测传感器,旨在提升该地区的环境和居民福祉。该区域每天吸引超过5000名游客,Ambient首席执行官Luca Franchi表示,此项目强调了公众和企业对空气质量的关注日益增加,并推动基于激励的行为,以促进更好的洞察和健康体验。空气质量监测历史上成本高昂,主要由政府和大型企业管理,洛杉矶监测点的稀缺凸显了更全面监测解决方案的需求。世界卫生组织报告称,全球因空气污染导致超过700万人过早死亡,因此有效监测至关重要。此次部署不仅改善了游客的生活质量,也为城市中心的更广泛应用提供了示范。Ambient与Parami合作,在JVP的30家零售商中部署Kaiterra Sensedge Mini传感器,实时提供温度、湿度和颗粒物等数据,利用区块链技术记录数据,并为参与者提供基于代币的激励。
4EVERLAND双周报告:重要进展与未来计划 cover
21 小时前
在最新的4EVERLAND双周报告中,项目展示了过去两周的重要进展和社区参与。新功能包括在4EVERLAND仪表板上支持Telegram登录,以及将先进的大型语言模型如GPT-4o-mini和Llama 3.2整合到4EVERLAND AI RPC中。此外,4EVER Boost网页和Telegram迷你应用也进行了升级,推出了“神秘代码”功能和邀请模块,鼓励用户邀请新参与者。报告显示,平台新增198,307名用户,总交易量达到132,549,活跃用户数为28,603。全球节点分布确保了高可用性和低延迟,增强了项目的运营能力。未来,4EVERLAND将专注于技术升级和与其他项目的合作,致力于提升用户体验和社区互动,推动Web3体验的创新与发展。