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Ting Depin


TingDePIN is a pioneering solution for building and managing physical infrastructure in a decentralized manner, applied in the TingEco ecosystem. Instead of being controlled by large corporations, TingDePIN allows individuals and businesses around the world to participate in the development and maintenance of the infrastructure network. Contributors to the network will be rewarded in the form of tokens and have ownership in the network they are building, helping to incentivize the development of infrastructure in a more sustainable and equitable way.

Total Devices
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Annual Revenue
Ting Depin Live Data

There are currently 1 active Ting Depin devices. The average device cost is $101, and the estimated daily earnings are $100.At this rate, the break-even point will be reached in 100 days.

Minable Devices

Device Name
Number of On-Chain Devices
Days to Breakeven
Estimated Daily Earnings
Average Device Cost
Device Public Sale
device 01-100$100$101

Device Map

Number of Devices


Number of Countries/Regions


Learn More

TingDePIN is a pioneering solution for building and managing physical infrastructure in a decentralized manner, applied in the TingEco ecosystem. Instead of being controlled by large corporations, TingDePIN allows individuals and businesses around the world to participate in the development and maintenance of the infrastructure network. Contributors to the network will be rewarded in the form of tokens and have ownership in the network they are building, helping to incentivize the development of infrastructure in a more sustainable and equitable way.

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