Exploring the Onocoy GNSS DePIN Project: A Guide to Setting Up Your Own Base Station
Onocoy is a groundbreaking GNSS DePIN project that invites users to adopt a “bring your own” hardware model. This approach allows individuals to purchase their own base station, set it up, and contribute to Onocoy’s correction stream. The advantages of this model are clear: users can utilize their own data streams, delve into the intricacies of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT), and enhance their understanding of GNSS technology. However, for those unfamiliar with the technical aspects, setting up a personal station can be daunting, requiring a bit of effort and knowledge to maximize rewards.
To get started, users need to acquire a base station, such as the SparkFun RTK Mosaic X5. The installation process involves placing the antenna securely on the roof and ensuring a stable connection using Power over Ethernet (PoE). While this may require some physical adjustments, such as cutting holes for cables, the end result is a reliable setup that can effectively collect signals and provide RTK correction streams. Once the physical deployment is complete, users can connect to their local IP address to initiate the basic setup of the Mosaic, following the guidance provided by SparkFun.
After establishing an Onocoy account and connecting the RTK stream to the network, users can monitor their station’s performance through the Onocoy console. The initial observations indicate that the SparkFun setup is highly competitive compared to other local stations. However, potential contributors should assess the necessity of their station in a saturated deployment area, especially if their primary motivation is to earn Onocoy tokens. Utilizing the Estimator tool on the Onocoy Explorer can provide insights into potential earnings, making it easier for users to make informed decisions about their contributions to the network.