DePIN 탐색기 - DePIN Scan
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DePIN 프로젝트
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DePIN 프로젝트
DePIN Scan은 DePIN 암호화폐 프로젝트를 탐색하는 도구입니다. 총 310개의 DePIN 프로젝트가 있으며, 이들의 합산된 DePIN 시장 규모는 $25,600,959,982이고, 전체 DePIN 장치 수는 20,253,224개 입니다. 아래의 프로젝트를 클릭하여 오늘부터 수동 소득을 얻기 시작하는 방법을 배워보세요.
프로젝트 | 토큰 | 카테고리 | 소셜 팔로워 | 시가총액 | 토큰 가격 | 24시간 거래량 | 1일 | 7일 | 30일 | 총 장치 | 즐겨찾기 | 최근 7일 |
SOL | Chain | 2,983,977 | $117,767,640,951 | $241.94 | $7,452,484,937 | +6.5% | -3.2% | +23.2% | - | 15 | ||
FIL | Server | 667,158 | $3,011,557,063 | $4.81 | $199,059,785 | +7.6% | -5.0% | -4.8% | 3,605 | 3 | ||
THETA | ServerAI | 272,081 | $1,998,257,509 | $2 | $29,114,666 | +9.6% | -1.5% | -14.3% | 5,885 | 3 | ||
HNT | Wireless | 215,970 | $752,222,231 | $4.25 | $21,052,805 | +15.4% | -2.8% | -31.4% | - | 5 | ||
AKT | ServerAI | 121,321 | $657,397,687 | $2.65 | $9,420,228 | +6.0% | -5.0% | -7.7% | 472 | 2 | ||
GRASS | ComputeAI | 529,819 | $425,757,628 | $1.74 | $29,769,169 | +4.0% | -11.5% | -21.0% | - | 12 | ||
IO | ComputeAI | 512,187 | $373,051,979 | $2.76 | $131,622,324 | +2.0% | -9.4% | -8.6% | - | 1 | ||
ATH | Compute | 843,871 | $335,919,339 | $0.05442 | $24,558,928 | +6.3% | -5.9% | -13.4% | - | 3 | ||
IOTX | Chain | 327,853 | $299,559,628 | $0.03177 | $13,263,309 | +6.9% | -3.1% | -18.4% | - | 52 | ||
PEAQ | Chain | 284,813 | $231,622,777 | $0.3434 | $31,949,985 | -3.6% | -2.9% | -31.9% | - | 10 | ||
HONEY | SensorAI | 50,652 | $198,460,108 | $0.06273 | $2,046,025 | +4.7% | +1.9% | -31.5% | 8,037 | 0 | ||
NOS | ComputeAI | 60,956 | $184,746,941 | $2.22 | $3,424,421 | +11.3% | -10.2% | -8.9% | - | 1 |
5분 전
IoTeX and GEODNET's Collaboration for GEO-PULSE x ioIDIoTeX and GEODNET's Collaboration for GEO-PULSE x ioID
IoTeX and GEODNET have launched a groundbreaking collaboration for GEO-PULSE x ioID, marking a significant milestone in the blockchain industry. The integration of ioID and W3bstream into GEODNET's new GEO-PULSE device brings verifiability to DePIN devices and kickstarts IoTeX's DePIN x AI data pool using real-world data. This collaboration sets a new standard for DePIN verifiability, offering users the opportunity to earn rewards in $GEOD and $IOTX tokens by completing quests and verifying location data.
The collaboration has activated the end-to-end tech stack that powers the GEO-PULSE device, which is now being shipped to early adopters. Users can register their devices, complete driving quests, and share location data to earn tokens. The GEO-PULSE device, known for its high-precision lane-level positioning, collects valuable real-world information verified through IoTeX's technology stack, including ioID and W3bstream.
6분 전
$25M Funding Promotes DePIN Innovation and Decentralized Communication$25M Funding Promotes DePIN Innovation and Decentralized Communication
World Mobile, a decentralized wireless network, and Tenity, a global leader in startup acceleration, have announced a $25 million Grant Program to accelerate innovation in the Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network (DePIN) ecosystem. The program aims to integrate decentralized technology with the physical world, sparking a new wave of blockchain-driven solutions. Grants starting from $5,000 are available for both established enterprises and emerging entrepreneurs, covering key challenges in decentralization, blockchain adoption, governance, and connectivity in underserved regions.
Tenity, known for its experience in supporting startups and fostering collaborations with industry giants like VISA, Microsoft, and Ripple, will select and support projects aligned with the goals of the World Mobile Chain (WMC). Micky Watkins, CEO of World Mobile Group, emphasized the partnership with Tenity to ensure impactful project funding and scalable innovation in telecoms, extending connectivity. The WMC, a Layer 3 blockchain tailored for DePIN, recently launched its public testnet, attracting top talent with its high-performance platform dedicated to innovation. Andreas Iten, CEO of Tenity, highlighted the initiative's aim to push boundaries in blockchain and decentralized infrastructure, guiding projects toward meaningful impact in the DePIN ecosystem. The grant program focuses on decentralized communications, cross-chain interoperability, on-chain security, decentralized identity management, and tokenization of real-world assets, all supported by the EVM-compatible Layer 3 blockchain, the World Mobile Chain (WMC). This $25 million Grant Program marks a significant stride in establishing a fully decentralized, people-centric telecom ecosystem, fostering collaboration between innovators and investors to create transformative blockchain solutions.
9분 전
Theta EdgeCloud Adds DeepSeek LLMTheta EdgeCloud has integrated DeepSeek-R1, a cutting-edge large language model developed by Chinese AI startup DeepSeek. DeepSeek-R1 delivers performance comparable to models like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Mistral’s Mixtral, and Meta’s LLaMA while using significantly fewer computational resources. By supporting DeepSeek-R1, Theta EdgeCloud, a decentralized GPU cloud infrastructure, enhances AI efficiency and accessibility. DeepSeek’s innovations, such as multi-head-latent-attention (MLA) and FP8 precision quantization, allow advanced LLMs to run on consumer GPUs, making high-performance AI more accessible to developers, researchers, and small-scale enterprises without relying on expensive centralized cloud infrastructure.
Theta EdgeCloud’s decentralized architecture provides scalability by dynamically allocating GPU nodes based on demand, eliminating the need for costly physical infrastructure expansion. This approach also reduces costs by leveraging underutilized computational power, enabling users to pay only for the resources they consume. In addition to being cost-efficient, Theta EdgeCloud promotes sustainability by distributing AI processing across multiple locations instead of relying on energy-intensive data centers.
With this integration, Theta Labs continues to push the boundaries of decentralized AI infrastructure, offering a more cost-effective, scalable, and environmentally friendly alternative for AI model training and inference.
3일 전
윙비츠, DePIN 기술로 보상 기반 비행기 추적 혁신을 위해 560만 달러 모금윙비츠, DePIN 기술로 보상 기반 비행기 추적 혁신을 위해 560만 달러 모금
스웨덴 스톡홀름에 본사를 둔 웹 3.0 스타트업 윙비츠가 Borderless Capital과 Bullish Capital이 주도하는 560만 달러의 자금을 확보했으며, Spartan Group, Tribe Capital, Antler, SNZ, Heartcore의 지원을 받았습니다. 이번 자금 조달 라운드는 윙비츠의 총 자금을 920만 달러로 늘리며, 항공을 위한 최초의 분산형 물리적 인프라 네트워크(DePIN)를 도입하고자 합니다. 이 회사는 잘 설계된 인센티브와 실행 전략을 통해 전 세계에서 가장 큰 비행기 추적 네트워크가 되는 것을 목표로 하고 있으며, 이는 Borderless Capital의 파트너인 Álvaro Gracia가 언급한 바입니다.
이번 자금 조달은 불과 6개월 전, Borderless Capital, Tribe Capital, Antler와 같은 투자자들의 지원을 받으며 진행된 350만 달러의 시드 라운드에 이어 이루어졌습니다. Robin Wingardh와 Alex Lungu가 공동 창립한 윙비츠는 비행기 추적 시스템 중 가장 빠른 속도로 네트워크를 확장하며 급속한 성장을 경험하고 있습니다. Bullish Capital의 CEO인 Alasdair Foster는 윙비츠와의 파트너십에 대한 기대감을 표명하며, 블록체인을 활용하여 고품질 데이터 공급을 장려하는 혁신적인 접근 방식이 비행기 추적 산업에 미치는 영향을 강조했습니다.
최신 DePIN 뉴스와 업데이트를 위해 가입하세요