Arthur Hayes Acquires 116.6 Million Aethir Tokens Amid Market Fluctuations

星期一, 十月 21, 2024 12:00 凌晨
Arthur Hayes Acquires 116.6 Million Aethir Tokens Amid Market Fluctuations cover

Arthur Hayes, the founder of BitMEX, has recently made headlines in the cryptocurrency world by acquiring a substantial amount of Aethir (ATH) tokens. He purchased 116.6 million ATH tokens, valued at approximately $7.62 million, at an average price of $0.065 each. This acquisition follows his earlier decision in September to liquidate his holdings in Pendle ($PENDLE), raising questions about his current investment strategy and market outlook for ATH.

In a notable move, just an hour ago, Hayes transferred 41 million ATH tokens worth around $2.18 million. Of these, 36 million tokens were sent to the Bybit exchange, while 5 million were directed to OKX. This offloading indicates a strategic decision by Hayes to reduce his exposure to ATH, reportedly at a loss of $2.2 million. Despite this transfer, he still retains a significant holding of 75.6 million ATH tokens, valued at approximately $4.16 million, reflecting a loss of around $1.22 million based on the current market price of $0.054.

Aethir operates as a decentralized real-time rendering network, aiming to enhance cloud infrastructure and improve content accessibility within the Metaverse. The token currently boasts a market capitalization of $210 million and is part of the Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePIN) sector. As the ATH market continues to fluctuate, it remains uncertain whether Hayes will maintain his current holdings or make further adjustments in the future. Investors are advised to conduct thorough research before making any investment decisions in the volatile cryptocurrency landscape.

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