DePIN Scan: Learn about Streamr

среда, май 8, 2024 6:02 вечера
DePIN Scan: Learn about Streamr cover
There are currently 8,267 live Streamr devices. The price today is $0.054132 USD. The DATA Market Cap is $41,439,038. The Streamr Network is a peer-to-peer network for publishing and subscribing to data in real-time. Applications use it for decentralized messaging, for example sharing data across applications or broadcasting real-time state changes to large audiences. The decentralized nature of the system makes the data transport scalable, robust, secure, tamper proof, and censorship resistant. The Streamr Network consists of nodes that interconnect peer-to-peer using the Streamr protocol. Together, the nodes in the Network form a topic-based publish-subscribe messaging system. Topics in this messaging system are called streams. The job of the Network is to deliver published streams of messages to all subscribers of that stream. The Streamr Network is a building block for decentralized applications - a message transport middleware, enabling any number of parties to distribute or exchange information without directly coupling or relying on a central server to broker data. All of the data in the Streamr network is contained inside individual streams. The data may originate, for example from your app, machines on the factory floor, sensors in a smart city, in-house databases or systems, or from commercial streaming data feeds.

What is Streamr?

The Streamr Network is redefining real-time data broadcasting for the decentralized web. Streamr is comparable by technical analogy to systems like IPFS and BitTorrent, except with a focus on the seamless flow of live data. 

DePIN Streamr: Streaming Data

The decentralized, serverless protocol is built for security, speed, and scalability. The secret to its peer-to-peer (P2P) foundation is an open invitation for anyone to participate by running a node to power and secure the network in exchange for $DATA tokens. 

This creates a permissionless and neutral network for real-time data broadcasting, extending the capabilities of the underlying internet, without compromising its open and decentralized nature.

What makes Streamr special?

Core to Streamr's appeal is its P2P architecture, removing the need for central servers and avoiding vendor lock-ins and single points of failure. This approach ensures fault tolerance, resistance to attacks, and unlocks massive scalability. 

Streamr DePIN Diagram

All data in the network is delivered with low latency through streams, entirely off-chain, while access control and incentivization mechanisms are handled on-chain. Privacy and security are paramount, with end-to-end encryption for subscribers and cryptographic signatures to protect data integrity.

Taken together, this creates a decentralized internet backbone that supports data sovereignty, real-time processing, and robust security. 

How does Streamr work?

The Streamr tech stack includes the main decentralized pub/sub network for data transmission, node Operators who power the network, the Streamr SDK for seamless integration, and smart contracts in the form of Sponsorships for managing data stream incentives and transactions. 

Developers are empowered to build on Streamr, using the SDK to add serverless real-time data functionality into their applications, whether through direct integration or remote connection to nodes. This flexibility opens up endless possibilities for real-time data streaming and processing.

Where is Streamr used?

Applications typically use Streamr for decentralized messaging, for example sharing data across applications or broadcasting real-time state changes to large audiences. However, Streamr can be used by anyone dealing with live media or real-time data at scale. 

Let’s consider three emerging use cases: Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePIN), decentralized AI, and decentralized video streaming. 


In DePIN, Streamr can facilitate a shift towards decentralized data exchange among interconnected devices, enabling DePINs to transition from centralized data pipelines to a fully decentralized array of contributors. The Streamr protocol allows DePIN users to transmit data up, across, or down through their network and technology stack. 

Streamr DePIN Network


For AI, Streamr acts as a neutral data layer, offering a transparent, reliable foundation for AI models to interact, share insights, and evolve collectively. 

Streamr DePIN Linkages

Integrating AI with a decentralized framework can also provide a step towards ensuring AI operations are more open, verifiable, and up to date.

Video streaming

DePIN Streamr Video Streaming

With video streaming, Streamr is testing the limits of peer-to-peer ‘final mile’ content delivery, aiming to decentralize how we consume video content and contribute to the network's efficiency and scalability. The P2P protocol allows viewers to directly contribute to the broadcasting network as they view the content, optimizing efficiency and scalability. 

Learn more about Streamr